Monday, March 23, 2009

Come on Baby Now...

TWIST AND SHOUT! okay so that was reflex, but seriously, I am having a best friend withdrawal and I left my 2-Disc special edition of Lion King at home! 4 hours with Jess was so not enough and I think I am losing my mind. So now that you know the basics of my "pish posh" Mary Poppins status, I can fill you in on the wonders of a Spring Break surrounded by the mostadoreablegoogleeyeangelfacecutelittlebuttoned babies I have ever seen! 

I went home for Spring Break. I thought that was going to be a huge mistake, but you were right. I had the best time ever and I learned a lot about myself. I took a little detour on a 5 hour train ride to a tiny town near St. Johns Hospital. There! On the eleventh floor! In the west wing! Little baby Rachel was born on June 4th of the year nineteen hundred and ninety with a bellowing scream of awesomeness! But when my scream came to a halt no one was there to put a claim tag on my tiny little pudgy wrist so I was put on the self for a few days to age like all fine wines... aka put in a nursery with a bunch of crazy other babies that totally were not as cool as me. (JK)

Anyhoodles, there was this amazing person - sort of a substitute parental unit that took care of me for three whole long days. Gosh thats a lot of diapers! This woman's name was Sheila and a wonderful woman she is! I have kept in touch with her all of these years and visit every winter break. This year, I didn't have the opportunity to spend time with her, so I visited her family for 2 days. What beautiful babies that hospital has! And what amazing faculty! I may not be able to imagine myself as a tiny 8 pound baby with pink bows taped to my head, but I met many people that haven't seen me since that phase of life. I learned a lot about myself in those 2 days, and am very thankful I had the opportunity to visit St. Johns. 

As soon as I returned, I visited another friend who recently had a baby. Baby Austin was born... *pause*... with ... A MOHAWK! It is the coolest thing I have ever seen. He is a baby with a bright red mohawk of fluff that doesn't go down (even with product - we tried). Holding that baby in my arms was such a special moment for me. To be with that child and know that I will get to see him grow into a man... one day I would be able to say that I held him, watched over him, and I loved him from the day he was born. He was all my friend wanted and no one really knew it. He is such a little blessing. And there is nothing better than surprise blessings like that!

I used to say I never wanted kids... thats a lie. I used to also say that my family is only a small group of people... so not true. Family is not so strict in my book anymore. Life isn't about being popular and having friends and all that stuff you own... even though I admit -

I  - the shopoholic - just saw the movie "Shopoholic"... and it drove me crazy going home and having to pack. I don't think I will even understand the phrase of "packing light"... I hope that corrects itself in time. I saw this movie with that bff I facing withdrawal from. 

I really regret not talking about where I was applying with my BFFs and am so happy I still see them. I think to myself that if I wasn't surrounded by cornfields that my character wouldn't feel like something I have to struggle with. Then, in some ways I am glad I went further away because then I found out how genuine and strong our friendships are. It really is amazing how much you can miss and love your friends. (Girls - I LOVE YOU! but you already knew that)

Moving on :) 

I am loving the idea of family as not just immediate related groups of people but as something you love. 

My crazyamazinginsanebest friends are my family... some of my best friends are literally in my family which is amazing in itself
 *cough* Hannah *cough* - *wink* 
These are people that take care of you when no one else will
People that listen to you cry on the phone for hours
People that send air/virtual hugs
People that give you pink pants because you need new ones *laugh*
People that make you grilled cheese and give you a blanket for your chills...

Heck you get it! That list could go on forever and we all know it. Please also know that 

Chicago is my family. Springfield is family. St. Louis is family. 

I learn something new every time I am in the city or on the train... did I mention that I love the train... because I LOVE THE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(yes, that many explanation marks are necessary!)

Trains are part of my famly. The big buildings that are way too tall for their own good... The lake and sandy beaches that blow salty water in your face... dandelions that we pick on the way to the zoo... I learn so much by being in the city. By entering the city at all - we contribute and let the city grow too! How cool is that?

I feel close to both animate and inanimate objects. So... now would be a good time to let you all know that pet rocks are the new trend and yes... I have one. You should too! Creativity reigns! If I had the time, I could just be watching the world fill with little Monets and Picassos and people that remind me of that guy that does all his art with little dots! I think this is the way life on earth really should be. We are supposed to learn from all we say and do, and have this love for things that are ordinary. Like that rock you are going to name when you get off your computer :)

I may struggle, but everyone I have known since birth has been a part of my heart and is a part of me. My family consists of all I have touched, loved, hated, learned (etc) since June 4th 1990. 

That is me. This is my world. I don't have much to say except... Welcome. 

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