Thursday, February 5, 2009

Half and Half

Even though I told you I wouldn't share my thoughts on how great the Lord is, I'm taking half of this blog to tell you how perfect the message at Alive was this week. 

Part 1: Alive Message (in summary)

We cannot define God. God is exactly who God is - regardless of what you think or wish he was. 

(Gee- doesn't that sound familiar? Moving on.)

People can believe whatever they like, but that doesn't mean their beliefs are true. A person's belief on a topic may also alter the way they treat that specific topic. If I believe God to be an entirely different God than the bible tells me he is, I would not only have a false view, but I would also say, think, and feel differently about God than you might. 

Under all the propaganda, chatter, cries... God just wants his people, US, to see God as he really is. 

(Hint Hint...)

This God is so amazing. If I ask, God will show me what I need to know. He will lead the way for me. If I'm ever in trouble, I will turn to God. 

This is extremely difficult. I don't know many people in Chicago land that read their bible in troubling times, or want to grow close to God. In fact, unless you are a grandma in a nursing home, you are probably not likely to own a bible at all. Peer pressure can eat away at you, and Satin will pull you down to places where you can't breathe. It's dirty air. Horror and Gore... If I just turn to God, I am forgiven... handed knowledge... and able to grow into a stronger human being. 

God is on your side. 

God can't make life perfect and easy, because we are on earth. Earth can't be perfect. But please know that God has your best interest at heart. 

He loves his children. 
He loves you. 

In turn, you will love others. Open up to people. Stop doubting God. If you believe, God will give you what you need in this life. 

HE LOVES YOU! And don't you forget it.

To think, we have been ignoring him when all he wants to do is love you. He wants you to know Him. 

(Phew... now onto the whole... ME... thing)
PART 2: 

Just to phase out of God mode, I want to emphasize the meaning for this blog. 
I want people to get to know me for who I am, and who God made me to be.  

There is so much in this life we take for granted. 

I had an interesting talk with someone today. I'd always been friendly, but I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. I am finding that many of my friends have these incredible musical talents that are being hidden. START SHINING! You are not being selfish or intruding... It's okay to live for yourself once in a blue moon! 

(I love God, but you have to love what he created too... yes?!)

The wiki definition of music is something I find entertaining:

"music is an art form whose medium is sound organized in time"...

I think that if music is an art, then:
art can be a science (figure drawing)
and science can be a form of math (equations)
and math is a way to create music (counts/writing music)

Its interesting how everything in life is linked by something so simple. 
A finger tap.
A person humming.
A stranger in white... In a car? "whoosh"!
Banging on a trash can.
Anyone can make music, and it doesn't matter if it's "good". We can express ourselves in such unique ways, and the world deserves to see what those art forms are. 

I hope you share your talents with me this weekend. 
I think its time to show people who we really are. 

And please, take your life one note at a time :)


  1. I like it :)

    You are an encouragement to me

  2. I've never been told that I am an encouragement.
    Thanks. You just brought a smile to my face :)
